"A Loving Eulogy" is a 3 person group Senior Thesis project for School of Visual Arts. Miguel Guzman was responsible for the story, directing, concept art, illustration, pre vis, editing, & animation.
Synopsis: Imagine losing the most important person in your life at an early age. A Loving Eulogy is about a young shy boy and his special relationship with his grandfather. they do everything together from brushing their teeth to playing games together. The young boy always looks forward to playing with his grandfather everyday. One day as the young boy returns home from school, begins to search for his grandfather and then learns that his grandfather has passed away and now he must do a eulogy at his funeral. He is scared to do the Eulogy until he sees his grandfather's ghost at the funeral. His grandfather's appearance has given him the strength to do the eulogy. The young boy and his grandfather's relationship has given the boy the strength he needs to continue on knowing his grandfather will always be there with him.
Below are images showcasing my designs, illustrations, animation, and thought process when creating my senior thesis.
4 Film Posters with characters posed in, edited and design created by Miguel Guzman.
Character Illustrations created by Miguel Guzman
Color Script created by Miguel Guzman
Environment Illustrations created by Miguel Guzman
I created all the animation for A Loving Eulogy except for 5 seconds of the film. Here is a look at some of what I did for the film.